Executive post

Executive Member (Climate Emergency & Environmental Services)


Climate Emergency and Environmental Services

The Executive Member is responsible for all matters relating to the Council’s affairs in respect of climate emergency and environmental services. As such, the Executive Member is responsible for liaising with other Members of the Executive Cabinet, particularly where matters within the brief, affect other aspects of Council business or affect the Borough. The Executive Member is responsible for ensuring appropriate consultation with partners and the community on matters within the climate emergency and environmental services portfolio.


Terms of Reference

The Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Environmental Services is Lead Member for the following service areas:


Waste management including recycling and fly tipping


Environmental Services (public protection) :

- Neighbourhood areas (North, South, East and West);

- Housing

- Enforcement including planning and housing

- Licensing;

- Trading standards;

- Environmental protection;

- Health and safety;

- Public health;

- Food safety

- Private water supplies;

- Infectious disease control.


Environmental Services operations:

- Street cleansing;

- Graffiti removal;

- Grounds maintenance;

- Arboriculture unit;

- Playground maintenance;

- Football pitch renovations;

- Central nursery;

- Parks and land

- Countryside;

- Bereavement services;

- Pest control;

- Emergency planning;

- Markets;

- Dog warded;


Carbon reduction/climate emergency


Post is held by