Meeting documents

Audit Panel
Wednesday, 16th December, 2015

Time: 2.00pm

Place: Lesser Hall, Dukinfield Town Hall

1. Apologies For Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members of Cabinet.

3. Minutes

a) Executive Cabinet

To receive the minutes of the last meeting of the Executive Cabinet held on 21 October 2015.

b) Strategic Planning And Capital Monitoring Panel

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 30 November 2015.

c) Enforcement Co-Ordination Panel

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 28 October 2015.

d) Association Of Greater Manchester Authorities/Greater Manchester Combined Authority

To consider the minutes of the meetings of the AGMA Executive Board and Greater Manchester Combined Authority held on 30 October and 27 November 2015 and to consider the Forward Plan of Strategic Decisions of the GMCA and AGMA Executive. (1.41MB)

4. Annual Audit Letter

To consider the attached report of Grant Thornton, External Auditor. (0.27MB)

5. Finance Reports

a) Revenue Monitoring

To consider the attached report of the First Deputy (Performance and Finance)/Assistant Executive Director (Finance). (0.54MB)

b) Capital Monitoring

To consider the attached report of the First Deputy (Performance and Finance)/Assistant Executive Director (Finance). (0.41MB)

c) Treasury Management

To consider the attached report of the First Deputy (Performance and Finance)/Assistant Executive Director (Finance). (0.35MB)

6. Traded Services

To consider the attached report of the Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Economic Growth)/Assistant Executive Director (Education). (0.12MB)

7. Restructure Of Neighbourhood Teams/Youth Service/Integrated Partnership

To consider the attached report of the Executive Member (Neighbourhoods and Health)/Head of Stronger Communities. (0.74MB)

8. LED Roll Out

To consider the attached report of the Executive Member (Transport and Land Use)/Assistant Executive Director (Environmental Services). (0.15MB)

9. Active Tameside

To consider the attached report of the Executive Member (Neighbourhoods and Health)/Director of Public Health. (0.33MB)

10. Astley Sports College - Football Foundation Grant - New 3G Floodlit Pitch

To consider the attached report of the Executive Member (Learning, Skills & economic Growth)/Assistant Executive Director (Sustainable Growth & Assets). (2.37MB)

11. Sites Of Biological Importance

To consider the attached report of the Executive Member (Transport and Land Use)/Assistant Executive Director (Development, Growth and Investment). (2.27MB)

12. Exclusion of Public & Press

That the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the contents of Appendices A, B and C to agenda item 14 as they contain exempt information falling within paragraphs 3 and 5 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of the parties (including the Council) has been provided to the Council in commercial confidence and its release into the public domain could result in adverse implications for the parties involved. Disclosure would be likely to prejudice the Council’s position in negotiations and this outweighs the public interest in disclosure. Furthermore, this document contains legal advice which the Council may not wish to reveal in Court because to do so could prejudice its position. In conclusion, whilst the public interest in releasing this information is significant in terms of facilitating scrutiny of public expenditure, the public interest in maintaining the confidentiality of the information outweighs the public interest in releasing it.

13. Vision Tameside 2 Update And Approval

To consider the attached report of the First Deputy (Performance and Finance)Assistant Executive Director (Development and Investment). (0.27MB)

14. Urgent Items

To consider any items which the Chair is of the opinion shall be considered as a matter of urgency.

Please use the contact details for further information or apologies for absence: