Decision Maker: Director of Resources (Ashley Hughes)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Approval to spend and enter into a letter of
That it be DETERMINED that:
1. Approval is given to allocate the sum of £1,673 for the installation of Additional Data Points at the new Hawthorns SEND School.
2. Any spend against the remaining budget will be monitored through the Strategic Planning and Capital Monitoring Panel (SP&CMP).
3. Approval be given for the Council to enter into a Legal Indemnity with the Newbridge Multi-Academy Trust to reimburse the Council for the full amount.
The school has requested that they require additional data points for the school. The data points will allow the third-party school caterer to have a screen at the servery so that children can enter their name, select their food, the catering staff can then plate the food up, and it will then update the pupils’ online accounts.
Publication date: 29/08/2024
Date of decision: 21/08/2024
Accompanying Documents: