Decision Maker: Director of Place (Julian Jackson), Director of Resources (Ashley Hughes)
Decision status: Executive Decision
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To authorise the submission of an Expression
of Interest to the Open Digital Planning fund administered by MHCLG
to potentially access £50,000 of grant funding in accordance
with the Councils Financial Regulations.
That it be DETERMINED to:
1. Submit an expression of interest to the Digital Planning Improvement Fund 2024/25 for the maximum funding value available, £50,000, by no later than 31 January 2025 and accept the grant funding conditions.
2. Subject to being successful, authorise the acceptance of the grant funding from MHCLG and utilisation of that in accordance with the grant funding conditions.
3. Subject to being successful, authorise the carry forward of the funding, awarded in 2024/25, to be spent in the next financial year 2025/26 and beyond if deemed necessary, as required by the grant funding conditions.
To comply with the Council’s Financial Regulations relating to the acceptance of grants.
Publication date: 29/01/2025
Date of decision: 28/01/2025
Effective from: 05/02/2025
Accompanying Documents: