Issue - meetings

Audited Statement of Accounts 2017/18

Meeting: 30/07/2018 - Overview Panel (Item 7)

7 Audited Statement of Accounts 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Finance.

Additional documents:


The Deputy Executive Leader / Director of Finance submitted a report, detailing the Audited Statement of Accounts for Tameside MBC and Greater Manchester Pension Fund for the year ending 31 March 2018.  The accounts were prepared in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice for Local Authority Accounting, which was based on International Financial Reporting Standards.  The full financial statements were appended to the report.


The Panel were notified that the draft Statement of Accounts had been certified by the Director of Finance on 30 May 2018 and publication was required by 31 May 2018, one month earlier than the previous year.  The audit was required to be completed by 31 July 2018, two months earlier than the previous year.


The Tameside MBC Statement of Accounts 2017/18 had been amended in line with the Audit Findings Report (ISA 260).  The amendment impacted the Balance Sheet and Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement of the Council, relating to the disposal of assets for Academy Schools.  This amendment was not material to the financial statements.  Due to the ongoing audit there was a small risk that the accounts could be further amended but any changes were likely to be minor.  The Greater Manchester Pension Fund Statement of Accounts 2017/18 had been adjusted, as recommended by the auditors and agreed by management.


The Chair thanked Grant Thornton for their hard work and support over the years and welcomed Karen Murray, Mazarrs LLP who would be auditing the accounts of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council for the five years from 2018/19. 



(i)         That the findings of external audit as detailed in the report be noted; and

(ii)        That the audited Statement of Accounts for 2017/18, including the core statements, notes to the accounts and supplementary financial statements be approved.