Issue - meetings

2022 -23 School Funding Update on NFF and Summer Announcements from DFE

Meeting: 28/09/2021 - Schools' Forum (Item 15)

15 2022 -23 School Funding Update on NFF and Summer Announcements from DFE pdf icon PDF 441 KB

To consider the attached report of the assistant Director, Finance and Director, Education (Tameside and Stockport).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Assistant Director of Finance and the Director of Education (Tameside and Stockport), which provided members with an update on the latest funding announcements.


Members were made aware that The DSG announcements at this stage only covered the Schools Block, High Needs Block and the Central Service Support Block.  Early Years Block information had not be shared at this point.  However, it was explained that updates on this and confirmation of all other allocations were expected in December 2021.  It was noted that the data stated in this report was based on the 2021-22 data set (October 2020 census data) and would change in order to take account of October 2021 census returns.


With regard to Schools Block, it was explained that there had been an increase of £40.146m, which represented an increase of 4% at a national level.  This had resulted in a £5.573m increase in 2022-23 provisional allocation, excluding growth funding and Members were presented with a detailed breakdown of the funding elements.


Key areas of change were highlighted, including the Sparsity Factor.  Members were informed that NFF rates had been significantly increased by DfE on the Sparsity Factor for a 2nd year, which had resulted in an increase from £45k to £55k per primary school, and from £75k to £80k in secondary schools.  However, as this was payable to schools, which were both small and remote, although the distance measurements had changed so that this would reach a wider number of schools,  there would still be no Tameside schools, which would benefit from this as they did not meet the criteria.


Members were informed that there had been changes to the rates at which IDACI bandings were paid and that, in most cases, these had increased by at least 3%.


With regard to Prior Attainment and Mobility Factors, 2019 attainment data would continue to be used as a proxy for allocated this funding.  Similarly, it was stated that Mobility Factor was using a proxy for May 2020 and that the census did not take place.  Instead, it was explained that the child’s start date in school, would be used.


It was highlighted that the measurement  point for Free School Meals Ever6 had changed.  This had been brought forward from the January census to the October census to reduce lag and had been brought in line with the measurement point for other factors.  It was stated that the related increase in this factor was 2%.


It was noted that, following consultation, Business Rates funding would no longer be allocated to the Local Authority or Academy Trusts for them to pay the Council but that these costs would be paid directly by DfE to each Local Authority on behalf of all schools and academies in the area.


It was explained that Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) would continue to be set by Local Authorities using local formulae between +0.5% and +2% per pupil and that there would be continuation of the compulsory  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15