Venue: Zoom Meeting
Contact: Carolyn Eaton, Principal Democratic Services Officer 0161 342 3050 or Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||
GENERAL BUSINESS Additional documents: |
Chair's Introductory Remarks 10.00am Additional documents: |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Panel. Additional documents: |
Minutes Additional documents: |
Minutes of the Pension Fund Advisory Panel PDF 389 KB To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Pension Fund Advisory Panel held on 19 March 2021. Additional documents: |
Minutes of the Pension Fund Management Panel PDF 318 KB To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Pension Fund Management Panel held on 19 March 2021. Additional documents: |
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 Additional documents: |
Urgent Items To consider any items which the Chair is of the opinion shall be considered as a matter of urgency. Additional documents: |
Exempt Items The Proper Officer is of the opinion that during the consideration of the items set out below, the meeting is not likely to be open to the press and public and therefore the reports are excluded in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
Additional documents: |
Pension Fund Working Groups/Local Board Minutes Additional documents: |
Local Pensions Board PDF 294 KB To consider the Minutes of the proceedings of the Local Pensions Board held on 8 April 2021. Additional documents: |
Investment Monitoring and ESG Working Group PDF 157 KB
To consider the Minutes of the proceedings of the Investment Monitoring and ESG Working Group held on 16 April 2021. Additional documents: |
Administration and Employer Funding Viability Working Group PDF 313 KB To consider the Minutes of the proceedings of the Administration and Employer Funding Viability Working Group held on 16 April 2021. Additional documents: |
Policy and Development Working Group PDF 459 KB To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2021. Additional documents: |
Working Group Membership 2021/22 PDF 784 KB To consider the attached report of the Director of Pensions. Additional documents: |
Responsible Investment Update Q1 2021 10.20am PDF 489 KB To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director of Pensions Investments. Additional documents: |
Pooling Update 10.30am To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director, Funding and Business Development. |
LGPS PERFORMANCE UPDATE - TRAINING ITEM 10.50am To receive a presentation from Karen Thrumble (PIRC). |
Investment Strategy and Tactical Positioning 21/22 11.20am To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director of Pensions Investments. |
Investment Management Arrangements 11.40am To receive a presentation from Hymans Robertson. |
Performance Dashboard 12.00pm Report of the Assistant Director of Pensions Investments, attached. |
Annual Performance Reports 12.05pm |
Long Term Performance 2020/21 - Main Fund and Active Managers To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director of Pensions Investments. |
Cash Management To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director of Pensions Investments. |
Property Management To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director, Local Investments and Property. |
MiFID II: Client Categorisation To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director of Pensions Investments. |
Business Planning, Budget and Risk Management 12.15pm To consider the attached report of the Director of Pensions. |
Employer Flexibilities 12.20pm To consider the attached report of the Assistant Director, Funding and Business Development. |
Advisor Comments and Questions |
ITEMS FOR INFORMATION Additional documents: |
LGPS UPDATE To consder the attached report of the Director of Pensions. |
Future Development Opportunities Trustee development opportunities are available as follows. Further information/details can be obtained by contacting Loretta Stowers on 0161 301 7151.
Additional documents: |
Dates of Future Meetings To note the dates of future meetings to be held on:-
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WORKING PAPERS - APPENDICES Additional documents: |
APPENDIX 7A - GMPF's Responsible Investment Partners and Collaborations PDF 207 KB Additional documents: |
APPENDIX 8A - Northern LGPS Joint Committee Minutes - 15 4 21 |
APPENDIX 8B - VfM Proposal |
APPENDIX 11A - Hymans Robertson Report and presentation |
APPENDIX 15A - GMPF Business Plan |
APPENDIX 15B & C - Budget and Medium Term Financial Planning |
APPENDIX 15D - Risk Register |
APPENDIX 16A - Draft Employer Flexibilities Policy |