Venue: Committee Room 1 - Tameside One. View directions
Contact: Georgia Latham, Scrutiny Manager or Tom Hoghton, Policy & Strategy Service Manager 0161 342 5664 / Email: or 0161 342 5082 / Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Members are requested to advise the Scrutiny Manager of any apologies for this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Scrutiny Panel. |
To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2024. |
Health Care Tameside Locality Performance Data PDF 53 KB The Panel to meet Councillor Tafheen Sharif, First Deputy (Population Health and Wellbeing), and Stephanie Sloan, Associate Director of Transformation and Neighbourhoods - NHS Greater Manchester (Tameside), to receive a presentation providing an update on the current performance against specific health metrics which the Tameside locality is responsible for and outlining to the Scrutiny Panel the assurance and oversight arrangements in place through the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board (GM ICB) for monitoring performance and improvement measures of these metrics. Additional documents: |
The Panel to meet Councillor John Taylor, Executive Member (Adult Social Care & Inclusivity), and Stephanie Butterworth, Director of Adult Services, to receive a presentation providing a summary of the Workforce Survey Feedback and Action Plan and Subsequent Workforce Strategy and Delivery Plan, and a summary of the achievements to date. Additional documents: |
Health Inequalities - Health Improvement and Prevention PDF 2 MB The Panel to meet Councillor Tafheen Sharif, First Deputy (Population Health and Wellbeing), and James Mallion, Director of Public Health, to receive a report and presentation presenting the background information on health inequalities, health improvement and prevention. The report includes detail on some the challenges faced in Tameside with health inequalities and the local approach to tackling this through from a health improvement perspective through the Healthy Places Strategic Framework. Finally, the report highlights examples of the work taking place around the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment; tackling tobacco use; preventing cardiovascular disease; and future work around commissioning and prevention, with a focus on inequalities. Additional documents: |
Corporate Performance Reports - Adults and Public Health - Quarter 2 2024/25 PDF 66 KB The Panel to meet Councillor John Taylor, Executive Member (Adult Social Care & Inclusivity), Councillor Tafheen Sharif, First Deputy (Population Health and Wellbeing), Stephanie Butterworth, Director of Adult Services and James Mallion, Director of Public Health, to receive a report presenting the corporate performance reports for the Council’s Adults and Population Health directorates and providing a summary of notable observations from the latest data. Additional documents: |
Substance Misuse Scrutiny Review Scoping Report PDF 61 KB The Panel to meet James Mallion, Director of Public Health, and Sarah Whittle, Public Health Strategic Lead, to receive a report outlining the discussions held during the scoping meeting on Monday, 30 September 2024 and proposing the scope of the Substance Misuse Scrutiny Review, methodology, sources of evidence and witnesses to be called. Additional documents: |
Scrutiny Work Programme PDF 70 KB To receive a report of the Chair of the Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Panel that sets out planned agenda items for the Scrutiny Panel’s future meetings and Forward Plan items that fall within the remit of the Scrutiny Panel. Additional documents: |
Chair's Update To receive any updates from the Chair on the activity and future priorities for the Panel. |
Date of the Next Meeting To note that the next meeting of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel will take place on Thursday, 16 January 2025. |
Urgent Items To consider any additional items the Chair is of the opinion shall be dealt with as a matter of urgency in accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. |