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Health and Wellbeing Board

This page lists the meetings for Health and Wellbeing Board.

Information about Health and Wellbeing Board

The strategic priorities of the Tameside Health and Wellbeing Board are to:-


·         Improve the health and wellbeing of local residents throughout life;

·         Give targeted support to those with poor health to enable their health to improve faster;

·         Focus on prevention and early intervention;

·         Develop cost effective solutions and innovative services through improved efficiency;

·         Emphasise local action and responsibility for everyone;

·         Deliver more joined up services that meet local need; and

·         Enable and ensure public involvement in improving health and wellbeing.


The Terms of Reference for the Health and Wellbeing Board are:

(i)       To encourage for the purpose of advancing the health and wellbeing of people in Tameside, persons who arrange for the provision of any health or school care services in Tameside to work in an integrated manner.

(ii)      To provide such advice, assistance or other support as appropriate for the purpose of encouraging partnership arrangements under section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006 between the Council and NHS bodies in connection with the provision of health and social care services.

(iii)     To encourage persons who arrange for the provision of health-related services (i.e., services which are not health or social care services but which may have an effect on the health of individuals) to work closely with the Board and with persons providing health and social care services.

(iv)     To exercise the functions of the Council and its partners in preparing a joint strategic needs assessment under section 116 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and a joint health and wellbeing strategy under section 116A of the Act.

(v)      To give the Council the opinion of the Board on whether the Council is discharging its duty to have regard to the joint strategic needs assessment and joint health and wellbeing strategy in discharging the Council's functions.

(vi)     To exercise such other Council functions which as delegated to the Board by the Council or the Leader.

(vii)    To appoint such sub-committees or joint sub-committees as the Board considers appropriate.

The Health and Wellbeing Board members consists of:


Core Statutory Membership


·         Executive Leader (Health) (Chair)

·         Executive Member (Children and Families)

·         Executive Member (Adult Social Care)

·         Executive Member (Business and Employment)

·         Chief Executive of Tameside MBC

·         Director of Adults Services

·         Director of Children’s Services

·         Director of Population Health

·         Deputy Place Based Lead

·         Clinical Lead

·         Action Together / Healthwatch


Additional Membership


·         Inclusive Growth Board Representative (Director of Place)

·         Community Safety Partnership Board Representative

·         Chair of Adult’s Safeguarding Board

·         Chair of Children’s Safeguarding Board

·         Tameside NHS Foundation Trust Representative

·         Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Representative

·         Active Tameside Representative