Browse meetings

Standards Committee

This page lists the meetings for Standards Committee.

Information about Standards Committee

Role and Functions


The Standards Committee will have the following roles and functions:


·                promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Councillors, Co-opted members and church and Parent Governor Representatives;

·                assisting the Councillors and Co-opted Members and Church and Parent Governor Representatives to observe the Members' Code of Conduct;

·                advising the Council on the adoption or revision of the Members' Code of Conduct;

·                monitoring the operation of the Members' Code of Conduct;

·                advising, training or arranging to train Councillors and Co-opted Members and Church and Parent Governor Representatives on matters relating to the Members' Code of Conduct;

·                granting dispensations to Councillors and Co-opted Members and Church and Parent Governor Representatives from requirements relating to interests set out in the Members' Code of Conduct;

·                dealing with any reports from a case tribunal or interim case tribunal, and any report from the Monitoring Officer on any matter which is referred by an Ethical Standards Officer to the Monitoring Officer.

·                the exercise of points 1 to 7 above in relation to the Parish Councils wholly or mainly in its area and the members of those Parish Councils.

·                overview of the Council's policies and standards of conduct and ethics.

·                such other responsibilities as may be prescribed by law.


The Standards Committee will scrutinise Parish Council functions.