Role and Functions
The Standards Committee will have the
following roles and functions:
promoting and maintaining
high standards of conduct by Councillors, Co-opted members and
church and Parent Governor Representatives;
assisting the Councillors
and Co-opted Members and Church and Parent Governor Representatives
to observe the Members' Code of Conduct;
advising the Council on the
adoption or revision of the Members' Code of Conduct;
monitoring the operation of
the Members' Code of Conduct;
advising, training or
arranging to train Councillors and Co-opted Members and Church and
Parent Governor Representatives on matters relating to the Members'
Code of Conduct;
granting dispensations to
Councillors and Co-opted Members and Church and Parent Governor
Representatives from requirements relating to interests set out in
the Members' Code of Conduct;
dealing with any reports
from a case tribunal or interim case tribunal, and any report from
the Monitoring Officer on any matter which is referred by an
Ethical Standards Officer to the Monitoring Officer.
the exercise of points 1 to 7 above in relation to the Parish
Councils wholly or mainly in its area and the members of those
Parish Councils.
overview of the Council's policies and standards of conduct and
such other responsibilities as may be prescribed by law.
Standards Committee will scrutinise
Parish Council functions.