The Membership shall be comprised
Deputy Executive Leader
(Children and Families)
5 x Frontline Councillors
1 x secondary head teacher
(plus nominated substitute)
1 x primary head teacher
(plus nominated substitute)
1 x member of Tameside
Governors’ Forum
1 x representative of
Teachers’ Consultative Committee
The Board will be chaired by
the Deputy Executive Leader (Children and Families) who has
delegated portfolio for dealing with schools.
The quorum shall be three
Terms of Reference
The Education Attainment Improvement Board,
appointed by the Council, and comprised of all its Members, shall
have responsibility via the Deputy Executive Leader (Children and
Families) for ensuring that there is a co-ordinated approach ensuring the best possible
progression for children and young people through the education
system and on to higher education, training or employment.
More specifically, it will discharge this remit by:-
Shaping and testing
educational policy and delivering the Council’s priorities
and the Community Strategy at a Borough and Greater Manchester
Ensuring young people have
the required skills to engage successfully in the new labour
markets and through continuing improvements in attainment,
achievement and attendance increase the numbers entering and
succeeding in further and higher education, training and
Maximising economic growth
and reducing dependency on public services through public sector
reform, including reforming the early years and education and
skills systems;
Ensuring that academies and
free schools that become established in the borough operate in a
way that fully delivers the vision for our young people;
Transforming the quality and
effectiveness of school governance and leadership as a key lever of
Supporting the Tameside
family of schools to manage the national frameworks of curriculum,
external inspection, changing standards and funding reform and
determine their own governance arrangements in partnership with the
Addressing the on-going
increased demand for school places driven by the growing and
diverse Manchester population.
The Board will do this by:
Providing a vision and
direction for education in the Borough;
Monitoring the performance
of schools and other providers aimed at raising
Using the outcomes of
inspections of data from all forms of assessment to keep under
review the quality of education being delivered and facilitate
access to improvement, support and attainment;
Supporting integrated
working for vulnerable children and young people to deliver a more
holistic approach to supporting their educational attainment and
progress including looked after children, pupils with special
educational needs and those attending pupil referral
To ensure the speedy
admission and fair distribution of pupils with agreed additional
needs through the fair access protocol and place