Browse meetings

Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing)

This page lists the meetings for Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing).

Information about Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing)


The Membership shall be comprised of at least 10 and no more than 15 Members.


The Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing) will have one Chair and one Deputy Chair.


The Quorum for Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing) shall be three members.

Terms of Reference

The Speakers Panel (Liquor Licensing) shall have delegated powers within the framework of Council Policy and pursuant to schedule 1 of the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000, as set out in the Licensing Act 2003 (as amended), to deal with the following:-

a)         to determine, vary, review and transfer Premises Licences;

b)         to review a Premises Licence following a Closure Order issued by the police and the exercise of powers by a Magistrates' Court;

c)         to vary the details of an individual specified in a Premises Licence as the designated Premises Supervisor;

d)         to determine applications for, and renewal of, Personal Licences;

e)         to determine, vary and review Club Premises Certificates;

f)          to determine a Provisional Statement;

g)         the conversion of existing Licences and Club Registration Certificates during the period of transition;

h)         the grant of Personal Licences to the holder of an existing Justices' Licence during the period of transition;

i)          the cancellation of an Interim Authority Notice following a police objection;

j)          to review individual Personal Licences when convictions come to light after the grant or renewal of a Personal Licence;

k)         to issue Counter Notices following a police objection to a Temporary Event Notice;

l)          to determine Licences relating to the provision of pavement cafes within the Borough;

m)       to determine applications for premises licences for the following activities: bingo; betting; adult gaming centres; family entertainment centres; casinos; horse racing and dog tracks;

n)         to determine permits for: gaming machines in alcohol licensed premises; gamine machines for members clubs; other gaming activities in members clubs; category D machines in unlicensed family entertainment centres; and prize gaming; and

o)         to register and issue: small society lotteries; occasional and temporary use notices; and provisional statements.