Agenda item

Strategic Planning and Capital Monitoring Panel

To consider the Minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Planning and Capital Monitoring Panel held on 16 March 2023 and approve the recommendations arising from the meeting as follows:


2022/23 P10 Capital Monitoring



That Executive Cabinet be recommended to:

(i)           Note the forecast position for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix 1.

(ii)          Note the funding position of the approved Capital Programme as set on page 4 of Appendix 1. 

(iii)        Note the changes to the Capital Programme as set out on page 9 in Appendix 1

(iv)        Note the updated Prudential Indicator position set out on pages 10-11 of Appendix 1, which was approved by Council in February 2022

(v)          Approve a budget of £0.060m to be drawn down from the £0.500m allocation for works in Tameside One for the worksmart programme as set out in Appendix 2(f).


Capital Programmes for Growth Departments



That Executive Cabinet be recommended to

(i)            Note the progress with regards to the schemes within the Place Capital Programme (Town Centres, Property and Planning) as set out in the report

(ii)          Approve the allocation of £31,000 to the capital programme to finance the additional expenditure at Hyde Pool as stated in section 2.34.  The funding to be allocated via the cumulative underspend of £207,000 against schemes detailed in table 2 (section 2.32),

(iii)         Approve the allocation of up to £30,000 to the capital programme to finance the additional expenditure at Hattersley Station as stated in sections 2.21 and 2.22.  The sum to be allocated via funding held in Council reserves on behalf of the Land Board and is subject to a separate Council decision. 

(iv)         Approve the allocation of up to £7,500 to the capital programme to finance expenditure relating to the relocation of the Mottram show as stated in section 2.18.  This sum to be resourced via the earmarked capital programme budget of £103,000 that is allocated to the Mottram showground.


Operations and Neighbourhoods Capital Report: Update



That Executive Cabinet be recommended to:

(i)           Note the progress with regards to the schemes within the Operations and Neighbourhoods Capital Programme as set out in the report.

(ii)          Approve the reprioritised resurfacing schemes for the Highway Maintenance programme as outlined in Appendix 1.

(iii)         Note the progress on the list of highway maintenance schemes identified in Appendix 1 that are to be funded from the Highway Maintenance Grant Allocation

(iv)         Approve the drawdown of funds in respect of the S106 agreements detailed in Section 4 of this report and add to the Council’s Capital

Programme to allow the detailed design, procurement and installation of the various works. 

(v)          Reverse the previous recommendation approved in November 2022 which requested that £1,600,000 of the 2022/23 Highways Maintenance Grant be added to the Councils Revenue budget to fund the cost of reactive maintenance works.  Due to a required change in accounting treatment, it is necessary to reverse this decision and transfer that grant funding back to the Council capital programme.  It is important to note that this is purely an accounting adjustment and the funds will still be utilised in for the same purpose.


Education Capital Programme: Update



That a report is produced for April Executive Cabinet to agree the funding, scope and contract for Hawthorns to enable it to be delivered and that Executive Cabinet be recommended to APPROVE:

(i)      The addition of £667,612 2022/23 additional Devolved Formula Capital grant to the capital programme as detailed in paragraph 2.10 to the programme in 2023/24.

(ii)     The Section 106 contributions totalling £529,205.04 as detailed in paragraph 2.16 are approved to finance Education Capital Schemes.

(iii)    The proposed estimate of £1,400,000 School Condition Grant for 2023/24 is added to the programme as detailed in paragraph 4.21.  The final amount of grant will be updated on receipt of the final confirmation of the grant.

(iv)    The 2023/24 School Condition grant is allocated to the projects detailed in the table at paragraph 4.29.

(v)     The addition of £20,000 school contributions to the capital programme in 2023/24 as detailed in paragraph 4.30, subject to the confirmation of School Condition Grant as per recommendation.

(vi)    The allocation of £150,000 from High Needs Provision Fund for Oakdale School as detailed in paragraph 6.4 to be added to the programme in 2023/24.

(vii)   The allocation of £720,000 from High Needs Provision Fund for the New Bridge Academy Trust as detailed in paragraph 6.5 to be added to the programme in 2023/24.

(viii)  An allocation of £70,414 from High Needs Provision Fund for St James’ Church of England Primary School as detailed in paragraph 6.6 to be added to the programme in 2023/24.

(ix)    A grant agreement for £70,414 is agreed with the Forward as One Academy Trust as detailed in paragraph 6.6 to provide 10 resourced pupil places at St James’ Church of England Primary School, Ashton from September 2023. 


That Executive Cabinet be recommended to NOTE:

(i)      Lyndhurst Primary and Ravensfield Primary – Air Con units (£11,000) to be returned to the unallocated school condition fund and (£20,000) removal of school contributions as detailed in paragraph 4.15.

(ii)     The addition of £203,210 Direct Revenue Funded projects to the capital programme as detailed in paragraph 2.11.

(iii)    The use of £30,000 contingency to support asbestos removal and fire compartmentalisation at Stalyhill Juniors (as part of the works required for the decarbonisation schemes) as detailed in paragraph 4.14.






Supporting documents: