Agenda item

DSG Monitoring 2023-24 Update

To consider the attached report of the Interim Assistant Director, Finance and Assistant Director, Education


Consideration was given to a report of the Interim Assistant Director of Finance and Assistant Director of Education, which outlined the Schools Grant budget position for the financial year 2023-24 and provided an update on the Early Years final outturn position for 2022-23.


Members were advised that there was a forecast surplus of (£0.010m) on the Schools Block, which related to unallocated growth.  This would be updated following the October 2023 census and any surplus would offset against the DSG deficit.  It was noted that the Central School Services Block (CSSB) was expected to be spent in full.  It was also explained that there was a forecast in-year deficit of £6.570m on the High Needs Block, which would reduce to £5.876m with the £0.694m transfer from the Schools Block and a forecast surplus of (£0.550m) on the Early Years Block.


In relation to the High Needs forecast position, it was noted that the summer had seen unprecedented levels of growth and that this was expected to continue at a similar level throughout the rest of the financial year.  Members were made aware that this additional Growth was a result of the demand for EHCP’s increasing and, despite increasing the capacity of specialist places over the last three years, pressure was growing to utilise more costly, Independent and Non-Maintained Special schools (INMSS).   It was noted that a number of bespoke packages were now in place in both special and mainstream schools to support pupils, who required specialist provision and a SEND Sufficiency Strategy would be produced in the autumn term in order to plan further increases in local, specialist places over the next three years.


Details of the final Early Years settlement for 2022-23 were provided and Members were made aware that the overall settlement for this period had reduced by £0.019m, resulting in a final surplus of (£0.597m), which contributed to the DSG Deficit.


A detailed update of the Early Years Block for 2023-24 was also provided.  It was noted that participation was difficult to estimate, which is why there appeared to be surpluses and that there would be a further funding adjustment based on spring census data, which would reduce the anticipated surplus.


It was stated that there was a forecast deficit of £0.067m on the SEN Inclusion Fund.  However, it was also noted that this was a complex area of funding, which would be closely monitored and this deficit could increase due to the growing number of requests for EHCPs.


Members were reminded that additional funding had been announced for Early Years providers from September 2023 and that this would be allocated via the Early Years Supplementary Grant (EYSG). The rates on which providers would be funded within Tameside were outlined for Members as follows:

     £1.70 per hour for disadvantaged 2 year olds

     £0.31 per hour for 3 and 4 year olds universal and additional entitlement

     £0.04 per funded hour for Early Years Pupil Premium

     £39.20 lump sum for the Disability Access Fund


Members were made aware that, if the 2023-24 projections materialised, there would be a deficit on £8.627m on the DSG and that a deficit recovery plan had been developed and submitted to the DfE. It was also explained that discussions were continuing with the DfE and that this plan was being scrutinised as part of Stage 2 of the Delivering Better Value (DBV) programme.



Discussion took place in relation to the use of Independent SEND provision.  It was noted that this was an issue linked to both complexity and sufficiency.  It was suggested that, perhaps, a short-term group could be set up with links to the Inclusion Committee of TPC and special school membership, with a view to examining these high cost placements and considering what may be done differently moving forwards.



That the contents of the report be noted and supported


Supporting documents: