Agenda item

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Monitoring Update 2023-24

To consider the attached report of the Interim Assistant Director, Finance and Assistant Director, Education


Consideration was given to a report of the Interim Assistant Director of Finance and Assistant Director of Education, which provided an update on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) budget position for the financial year 2023-24.


Members were made aware that there was a forecast surplus of £0.010m on the Schools Block, which related to unallocated growth.  However, it was noted that this was based on October census 2023 data and figures would be updated once this was finalised.  It was further noted that any surplus on the Schools Block would be used to reduce the DSG deficit and that the Central School Services Support Block was expected to be spent in full.


Members acknowledged that the High Needs Block continued to be under significant pressure and it was explained that there was a forecast in-year deficit of £5.913m on the High Needs Block.  However, this reduced to £5.219m following the £0.694m transfer from the Schools Block.  This represented a favourable movement of £0.657m from the forecast in September 2023.  It was further noted that September and October had seen a low number of Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs) being issued,  However, the overall number of plans forecast to be issued during the financial year was an average of 45 plans per month.


Members were made aware that there may be further expenditure on the High Needs Block in relation to the education costs relating to Children’s Social Care (CSC) placements.  It was noted that the DSG already funded the educational costs for a number of CSC placements but a review was underway, which would look to ensure all partner contributions, including Health, Education and Social Care were applied fairly and in accordance with the specific individual placement requirements.  It was explained that this may identify additional contributions required from the High Needs Block and an estimate of £0.100m had been included at this stage.  Members were made aware that, once the review was complete further information would be provided.


With regards to the Early Years Block, Members were informed that there was a forecast surplus on the Early Years Block of (£0.492m), which represented an adverse movement of £0.058m to the forecast reported in September 2023.  It was noted that actual participation for the Autumn term was currently being finalised and an update on these areas of entitlement along with early years pupil premium and the disability access fund would be provided at the next Schools Forum meeting in January 2024.


Members were made aware that there was a forecast deficit of £0.126m on the SEND Inclusion Fund (SENDIF), which represented an adverse movement of £0.058m in comparison to the previously reported forecast.  It was explained that approved SENDIF requests for funding were at a higher level in the first half of 2023-24 but looked to level out, with a further update to be brought to the January Schools’ Forum meeting.


Members were provided with an update on the Early Years Supplementary Grant (EYSG), which would provide additional funding for early years providers.  It was explained that initial allocations for the EYSG would be paid based on Part Time Equivalent (PTE) data from the January 2023 early years, schools and alternative provision censuses.  It was also noted that the DfE intended to make an adjustment to reflect the actual numbers of children taking up the entitlements from the January 2024 censuses.  It was noted that the allocation for Tameside was £0.989m and Members were provided with details of the breakdown of the

allocation and the estimated distribution of the grant.


In relation to the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), Members were informed that, if the 2023-24 projections materialise, there would be a deficit of £8.077m on the DSG reserve.  Members were reminded that a Deficit Recovery Plan had been submitted to the DfE, with the plan being scrutinised as part of the Delivering Better Value programme.  Members were assured that the position would continue to be closely monitored and further update would be provided.




That the contents of the report be noted and supported

Supporting documents: