The Overview Panel shall act as a mechanism to allow for dialogue between Executive and Scrutiny to provide a constant rolling review (but not scrutiny) of Council activities and will have responsibility to overview the Council's service improvement programme and budget.
The Panel will also provide for agenda planning for future scrutiny programmes and provide important links for policy review and future policy development.
The Panel will receive and consider final reports from Scrutiny Panels and co-ordinate the scrutiny processes including co-ordination of scrutiny reviews involving more than one Scrutiny Panel.
To provide a facility for the Main Opposition Group Spokespersons to be invited to attend meetings of the Panel (with speaking rights) in respect of items relating to their brief.
Call In Panel
The non-Executive Members of the Overview Panel (i.e. the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Overview Panel, the Chairs of the Scrutiny Panels, the Chair of Council Business and one Opposition Member, subject to the political balance rules) shall be responsible for giving initial consideration to call in of decisions outside the budget or policy framework, in accordance with the procedures set out in Part 4 of the Constitution.
Scrutiny Dispute Resolution
To determine (following any dispute as to the authority of a Scrutiny Panel to consider a specific matter, and where the Director (Governance and Pensions) has exercised her/his absolute discretion in referring the dispute to this Panel whether the Scrutiny Panel referred to has authority to consider such matter.
Support officer: Natasha Matthews, Senior Democratic Services Officer. 0161 342 3176 or Email:
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Tameside One
Phone: 0161 342 3176