Register of interests

Councillor David Tilbrook

I, Councillor David Tilbrook a Member of Tameside MBC, give notice that I have the following disclosable interests:

1. Employment: This includes any employment or business, profession or vocation currently undertaken in respect of which tax has to be declared.
The Staff College
2. Sponsorship: This includes the name of any person, or legal entity, other than the Council, who has made a payment in respect of election or other expenses incurred in carrying out Councillor duties.
The Conservative Party
3. Interests in Securities: This includes any corporate body, i.e. company, industrial and provident society, cooperative or other body that has a business or land in Tameside in which more than £25k beneficial interest is owned or 1/100th of total share capital owned.
4. Contracts: This includes any contract for goods, services, or works made between Tameside MBC and the Councillor or any firm in which the Councillor is a partner, or a company for which the Councillor is a remunerated director.
5. Land: This includes any land in which the Councillor has a beneficial interest in Tameside including a home.
18 Stonecliffe Avenue, Stalybridge, SK15 1BB
6. Tenancies: This includes any land where the landlord is Tameside Council, and the tenant is a Councillor, or a firm or company which the Councillor is a partner or remunerated director.
7. Licences: This includes any land in Tameside in which the Councillor has a licence alone or with others to occupy for 28 days or more.
8. Gifts and Hospitality: This includes any gift or hospitality worth more than £25 received in the last 3 years together with name and/or organisation who was the source of the gift/hospitality.
9. Other Interests: This includes details of any body to which:- i. the Councillor has been appointed or nominated by Tameside Council as its representative including School Governing Bodies; ii. any public authority or body exercising functions of a joint nature; iii. any local voluntary or community body in receipt of funding from Tameside Council; iv. any company, industrial and provident society, charity or body directed to charitable purposes, including the Freemasons; v. any body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy; vi. any trade union or professional association.
West Hill School, Trustee
Big Local Ridge Hill, Board Member
Ridge Hill Enterprises, Director
George's Kitchen, Chair
The Conservative Party, Member
Conservative Councillors Association, Member