Executive post

Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Homelessness & Inclusivity)


Adult Social Care, Homelessness and Inclusivity

The Executive Member is responsible for all matters relating to the Council’s affairs in respect of Adult Social Care, Homelessness and Inclusivity. As such, the Executive Member is responsible for liaising with other Members of the Executive Cabinet, particularly where matters within the brief affect other aspects of Council business or affect the Borough.


The Executive Member is responsible for ensuring appropriate consultation with partners and the community on matters within the Adult Social Care, Homelessness and Inclusivity brief.


Terms of Reference


Lead Member for commissioning and performance management of Adult Social Care.



To lead, monitor and have oversight and, where necessary, to take decisions about Health and Care integration.



To lead, monitor and have oversight and, where necessary, to take decisions about Adult Operations, including:

- Long Term Support

- Mental Health

- Community Response

- Shared Lives and Housing Support


- Local Community Care Teams

- Supported Employment

- 24 Hour Control

- Early Intervention

- Reablement.

- Adult Safeguarding

- Disability Services and Adaptation

- Early intervention and prevention



To lead, monitoring and have oversight and, where necessary take decisions about operational aspects of housing and homelessness.



To lead, monitor and where necessary take decisions about sports and leisure.


Post is held by